Debt Consolidation by Cash Out Refinancing

Kevin in Orlando has multiple rental properties with 15 year amortization 10 year balloon loans. He is attempting to refinance the balloon amounts on the loans over a 5 year period, but so far has been denied. He has excellent credit history and a high credit score, but is told that with his ratios he is ineligible to qualify. Kevin ask Robert Palmer if he has any other options available to him in regards to refinancing his properties before those balloon payments are due?

Start by making as many extra principal payments each month as your budget will allow. This will get the balloon amount down some before it is due. Another option to look into is taking one property, the one with the most equity in it, and refinancing only that property. Refinancing with cash out over a 30 year fixed loan period would give you low enough payments that it would be easier to qualify. Use the cash taken out to pay off the other loans reallocating the debt into one property and one monthly payment.